It’s the chance to meet like-minded fleet professionals. There are a number of these types of organisations now and we could belong to many and spend vast amounts of time attending meetings workshops etc.
However, we only attend a couple of key ones, Fleet News' events and AFP. We consider this is where we meet and gain insight into the key areas effecting our short-, medium- and long-term strategies.
Moreover, it is a chance to talk to some key players and benchmark / use as a sounding board or test thoughts and strategies, all of which is free!
Our industry is going through really challenging but exciting times and none of us know all the answers and it is great sometimes to bounce ideas around, however if you're a new fleet manager, where do they learn from? These types of events give people the knowledge and vision and ability to gain the experience of perhaps more grounded fleet professionals.
I always like the speakers, as the saying goes “every day is a school day” whilst not always relevant to what we may be doing but always great to make the contacts.
Roundtable conversations are most beneficial as it allows me to hear from and discuss with other fleet managers what they are doing in specific areas and see if their successes could be replicated in my own fleet.
The opportunity to discuss policy with government and local policymakers would be very beneficial especially if we knew our experience and input was helping to shape future policy.
It’s a great networking opportunity and a chance to stay close to what is happening. Fleet in a lot of organisations is a lonely role.
You have responsibilities but not always support, so it’s a chance to hear from others who share your situation.
Fleet200 is a great platform for fleet professionals to meet and discuss current and future issues on fleet management. I do believe it is a great networking tool for those less experienced or new to fleet management to learn from seasonal campaigners.
Having speakers from leading figures in government, OEMs and supply chain to discuss proposals or issues that impact our industry is invaluable. I have made some great connections and picked up valuable nuggets at Fleet200 meetings.
It’s good to share experiences and ideas among like-minded professionals.
The industry is moving so fast, and we can’t know it all or have tried it all, so the knowledge from this (and the Fleet News at 10 webinars) is invaluable.
Knowledge sharing is critical.
The fleet I manage is quite different but there are numerous areas where member insights are very beneficial.
The current dynamics of the industry are proving very challenging. In that regard, the fleet News at 10 webinars have proven to be invaluable too.
It’s great to be a member of this group.